Created for you with love!
Change your energy and you will change your life!
These guided meditations are designed to connect you with the Divine and with your inner wisdom.
They include energetic healing techniques and sound healing frequencies that will bring restoration to your body and invite magic into your life.
You have likely been trying to change your life by focusing on external circumstances. The only way to change what is showing up is to change what the magnet inside is attracting.

White Light Chakra Healing
Get ready for some magic! This white light chakra healing will change every aspect of your life. It will release stagnant, programmed and absorbed energies that have accumulated as a result of your life experiences and will realign you with your intended life force frequency. The white light infusion will purify your energy system and invite Divine energy into your body and into your life.

Shake It Off!
Kids Energy Routine
This is a guided practice to help kids shake off their day and realign with their own energy. Kids are like sponges and easily absorb emotions, opinions and stress from others. It is a perfect addition to your families pre-bedtime routine!
In creation, stay tuned!

Meet Your Power Animal
This is a guided healing journey where you will be invited to connect with a power animal to support you in the current landscape of your life. Power animals can align with us to strengthen aspects that will help us overcome current obsacles and can lend fresh perspecitves and approaches to navigate life experineces.
In creation, stay tuned!