Maggie Carraher
Warrior of Love and Light
Hi! I am so happy to be connecting with you!
Just you being here reading this has already set things in motion for us to be touched by each other's essence.
In the most basic terms I am an energy healer! I can see the way energy moves through the body, and I have a strong connection to the higher dimensions through which I help reconnect clients to their own higher frequencies. As we are able to more fully embody our life force essence, our lives heal and improve.
I have been intuitive all my life, but in the last 13 years I have strengthened my ability to read the subtle energies that surround our 5 sensory reality. Have you ever thought of a friend and then they call you 5 minutes later? You were picking up on the energy before the physical manifestation of the phone call!
We all have psychic senses and can tap into our 6th sense and utilize it to gain a better understanding of the underlying nature of things. Some of us are more gifted in this area and can choose to make our intuitive nature a leading force in our lives.
Through my own journey I have spiraled up in vibration by healing myself at the energetic level, facing fears, making wishes, taking chances, opening my heart, developing my gifts and connecting to the Divine in myself and others.
My intention with the Soul work that I do is to inspire the belief that life is good! I look around and see so many people focusing on problems and lack, while believing that happiness is somewhere down the road and to be attained externally.
I help others become more self and spiritually aware, and empower them to take the wheel away from the fear based perspectives that have been running the show. I inspire clients to clear the path for their dreams and desires to come to fruition by reconnecting them to self love, faith in their Divine nature, and in a loving and supportive Universe.
We get what we think we deserve, and the only thing standing in the way of what we want is our belief that we cannot have it. I encourage and teach others how to change those beliefs and inspire them to get off of auto pilot and start manifesting the good life.
If you want to read more about me, check out my story.
Maggie Carraher

Intuitive Healing Sessions
Your soul wisdom is available to you at all times. It is resting with-in you and it is reflected back to you through your experiences. An intuitive session provides this wisdom a loud and clear channel and is combined with energetic healing to re-align your chakras and aura back to an ideal state.
Sessions are conducted in-person in Lafayette, CO or over the phone.

Healing with the Horses
Healing with the Horses sessions are a perfect fit for children and adults! These unique sessions combine intuitive guidance and energetic healing, while allowing integration through interaction with the horses. A key part of energetic healing and spiritual alignment is embodiment. Horses have a natural grounding essence that assists with FEELING the realizations and inspirations through an actual physical experience. Horses are amazing teachers of assertiveness, mindfulness and boundaries, which benefits people in need of confidence, self awareness or clarity.
Sessions are conducted in person in Lafayette, CO