Intuitive Healing

Ignite the wisdom and magic of your Divine essence.

Change your energy and you will change your life!

Everything is energy and all of our physical manifestations have an energetic foundation.  Have you ever wondered what energetic signs you hold out that tell the world how to treat you?!  If you are trying to change your life by influencing external circumstances, it is like trying to tame the ocean.  The only way to change what is showing up is to change what the magnet inside is attracting. 

Intuitive healing sessions bring channeled guidance about the situations going on in your life, as well as healing to your energy centers, auric field and soul. Your entire being is infused with higher frequencies of love and light, offering the opportunity to clean the slate and initiate new beginnings.  These energetic changes will take root by making aligned choices and actions in your life. 

Intuitive Healing Sessions

Intuitive healing sessions combine receiving messages from Spirit, reading the underlying energy of the situation and energetic healing techniques to align a client with their desired and most benevolent outcomes.  Healing techniques used in sessions include chakra and aura balancing, white light infusions, SOUL JOURNEYS, Reiki, Earth magnetism and Divine connection. 

Soul level and energetic work is not bound by time and space so distance sessions are just as effective as in person.  If you are local we can meet in my office, otherwise we will do a video session via Zoom on your phone or computer   All details and information will be provided prior to the appointment.

The Big Shebang

90 Minute Intuitive Session and Soul Journey  $220

3 Pack $555 ($185 per Session) 

These sessions are like therapy on steroids and include a deep soul level dive to clear your subconscious blocks and restrictions!  They combine talk therapy while I read the energy of the client and situation to help bring clarity to what is at the root of the issue. Insight is gained as to the true motives of self and others and the underlying dynamics are illuminated.  Energetic healing techniques are used along with a SOUL JOURNEY.   

Whether you are in a crisis, going through a significant transition, or are in need of some insight... this session will offer life changing perspectives and soul level shifts.  

Sessions are located in Lafayette or over the phone.  A follow up process may be suggested to assist with integration and embodiment. 

Short and Sweet!

60 Minute Reset Session  $150

If you need answers to some specific questions or want a basic energetic balance and reset, consider a short and sweet session!  Energetic healing techniques are used to release unwanted patterns and attachments, and to help process the emotions that are holding them in place.  Intuitive reading and healing will take place like in the longer sessions, but will not include the deep dive of a soul journey.  These make great follow up sessions as additional inquiries arise OR are a perfect taste for anyone new to intuitive healing.  Subtle energy is not limited by time and space so phone sessions are just as real and powerful as in person. 

Intuitive Healing for Kids and Pets

1 HR Intuitive Session $150

Giving a voice to the voiceless! Schedule a session to provide healing of emotional trauma and disruptive patterns involving your loved ones.

In the midst of learning to conform to societal and family expectations, children and pets can end up feeling insecure, unheard and misunderstood. Emotional and behavioral issues are a common result of a being who's internal compass and self trust has been over shadowed. Once these conflicts are realized they can be solved and the path can be re-written.

Our children and pets are our teachers as much as they are our students! Understanding the soul purpose and challenges of your dependents can greatly help you guide and care for them.

Your loved one is welcome to be present at the session or not! Sessions are occurring at the level of energy which can be tuned into regardless of physical proximity. 

Questions? Contact me via email or at 303-589-1531

Read My Story

© Soul to Soul 2016